Grandma Camp events and pictures

Linda and Jim in front of the house in 1998
Stocking the pond with trout The pond in the morning
The pond from the north side, looking south. Plowing Snow Sneakers on the stairs

Welcome to the Grandma Camp events and pictures webpage.

Ryan and Tyler were at Grandma Camp for nearly two weeks in November, 2008 while their parents were in the Caymans. Ryan is 2 1/2 years old and Tyler is 8 months.


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Nov. 3 - Monday. First full day at Camp. Mom and Dad were here in the AM then headed back to Minnesota.

Ready for Camp Daddy Says Goodby Biking Winter Fuel Supply Raking the Yard Happy Camper Grandpa´s Beard Porching Porching Applesauce


Election day and the first morning without Mom and Dad to help with the early chores. The main Camp activity of the day was a visit to the polls to vote.

Oatmeal for Breakfast Oatmeal for Breakfast Ryan Recycling Tyler Watches... Voting Washing Windows Evening Bike Ride


Wednesday was pretty rational - we are all getting used to the routine. It was another nice day and great-aunt Betty came to visit the kids.

Tyler on Blanket Aunt Betty with Tyler Peeling Apples Having a good time... Dinner Still Dinner


Thursday - cloudy weather, not such a nice day to play outside. The outing for the day was visiting Grandpa at work. Late in the day Grandma and Ryan went to Houghton to do a bit of shopping.

Buddies Tyler Helps Cut Up Apple Bars Ready to Go Calumet Village Office Grandpa´s Staff Meeting Shopping Tyler Helps With The Shopping Fire Engine More Fire Engine Reading Before Bed Tyler After His Bath


Friday - Arts and Crafts day at Camp. Not really a good day to play outside anyway.

Making French Toast Breakfast Breakfast Sticker Book More Stickers Puzzle Coloring Crayon Behind Ear Lunch Jake Jake and Cayman


Saturday Grandpa was gone all day so Grandma had the kids to herself all day. It wasn't a good day for playing outside with cool temps and rain and snow throughout the day.

Lunch Hamming It Up New Shirt Touching Toes Dinner


Sunday - Snowy and cool, a nice day to be inside at Grandma Camp. Grandma and Ryan went to town for boots and slippers in the morning but were home to catch the Packers game in the afternoon.

Happy Camper Pancakes Breakfast Ready to Shop Shopping - Fire Truck Garfield Packer Game Helping Grandma Zippy Beef Casserole Dinner with Tyler Badge of Honor Applesauce for Dessert Seconds on Dessert Treats for the Puppies Treat for Myska


Monday it looked like winter outside, so we organized some play tim in the snow. The snow was too dry to make a snowman but Ryan had a good time throwing snowballs.

Clowning at Breakfast After Breakfast Playing in the Snow Snowballs Throwing - The Windup Jake and Ryan Say Cheese Cocoa Grandma´s Boy Outside Again Snowball for Myska Playing Catch Dinner More Dinner Tyler at Dinner Dessert


Tuesday. Veterans day is normally a day to make fruitcake. That didn't happen today, but Grandma did make cookies with Ryan.

Breakfast New Tee Shirt Making Cookies Licking the Spatula Baking Cookies Cookies Hot From the Oven Taste Test Cookie Monster Applesauce Monster Where the Dessert Went Post Lunch Euphoria Snowball for Jake New Game Helping Grandma Grandpa´s Beard


Wednesday - It was a cool, rainy day, not a good day to play outside. We got a lot of things done inside, including a lot of playing.

Cars Watching Ryan Breakfast Bubbles Hi, Mommy Playing Tag Wave to Mommy Loving Lunch Cookie Dinner Applesauce


Thursday - Another rainy day. Pretty routine, with Grandpa gone in the morning and home in the afternoon. We went out in the evening and got a sitter for the kids.

Canine Campers Breakfast Watcing Ryan Eat Soup for Lunch Cheese Sandwich Babysitter Ryan and Laura One Sock Reading


Friday - This was a day for Ryan to make a new friend. Jack Davis, who is a year older than Ryan, was here for an hour or two to play. After a slow start, they had a great time.

Playing with New Friend Playing Tag Silly Boys Cars Gear Helping Grandma On the Porch Warm and Cozy Making Bread Bonding Bedtime Cuddle


Saturday - A busy day. Ryan helped bring in wood in the morning then helped press cider in the afternoon. And, both kids helped pick out a Christmas tree. Mom and Dad arrived late in the day.

Breakfast Grandpa and Boys Moose Valuable Players Tis the Season Bringing in Firewood Shopping for a Christmas Tree This is the One! Fresh Apple Cider


Sunday - A short day, but busy. Mom and Dad cellected their charges and headed home at about 1pm.

Packing Up Breakfast Last Camp Meal Still Hungry Rosy Cheeks

Since 3/7/2000 You Are Visitor Number Guest Count
Last modified 11/16/2008
This page maintained by Jim Lowell -